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Writer's pictureAlyssa Kola

Pet Parent Essentials for the nervous pet

Is your pet terrified of loud noises and you already feel the dread for the 4th of July fireworks?

You and so many more pet parents can relate.

Or maybe you have a puppy or young dog that hasn't experienced fireworks yet. Now is a great time to get them accustomed and get your plan ready!

First off, I don't recommend bringing your pets to the firework shows.

A dog's hearing is much more sensitive to loud noises and they can be easily spooked and run off. This goes for them being outside at your home as well.

Keep them inside your home during the fireworks - many pets run off and go missing due to them feeling scared of the loud booms, bright flashes, and shaking feeling (if they are close enough to feel that).

Here are my suggestions and some go-to products for dogs and cats that are scared of fireworks (also useful for thunderstorms):

Create a "Safe place"

Many pets seek comfort and security - is their crate their safe place, a specific room in the home, or maybe it's wherever you are, pet parent?

Sit with them, pet them, & give them a sense of security letting them know that all is okay.

Play Music - at 432 HZ to be exact :)

Specifically music that is at the frequency 432HZ - it is a frequency that has been found to elicit a calming effect and that's exactly what we want!

Here is channel on Youtube that is over 10hrs of music made for your pet!

You can also search 432 HZ music on Spotify for Pandora; it is out there and available for free!

PS I am playing it now while I write this and Archie is snuggled up next to me fast asleep :)

Use Calming Aids

a gently flower essence blend that is great for many occasions.

Traveling, thunderstorms, fireworks, separation anxiety, transitions, & more.

Some pet's intuitively know they need it and will lick it right out of your hand. You can also put it on a treat or directly in their water bowl.

Start with about 10 drops and if 20 minutes pass and your pet is still anxious, you can give another 10 drops.

contains calming herbs to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm - such as valerian, chamomile, L-tryptophan, passion flower.

CBD products -

there are a ton on the market, but research a reputable brand as you search because it isn't a very regulated industry and some CBD products available may not have therapeutic amounts of CBD -- in other words, they don't work because there isn't enough CBD!

Super Snouts has been a great one that I've used for my pup Archie for traveling. I also really love the brand Treatibles because they are very transparent and have lots of options - drops, chewy treats, crunchy treats, etc.

Try Some Distractions

Similarly to us humans when we are scared, feeling stressed, or just "off," doing a puzzle or something else to focus our attention on helps to relieve it a bit.

The same goes for our four-footed friends!

Try a puzzle toy, kong-filled with some tasty treats and a little peanut butter (you could even put a CBD treat and some rescue remedy with it!), or play a game with them. I have an entire blog post with ideas and products HERE!

Keep in mind...

Some pets just need extra support so try a couple things and see what works best for your furry bestie. We want to reduce their stress response and make them feel safe, comforted, and secure as much as possible.

I hope everyone has a safe & happy 4th of July!

Keep your pet in mind and let me know which of these helped your pet or what you do and we can share on our social media to help more nervous nellies out there!



The information offered by The Balanced Companion is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace regular veterinary care. I strongly encourage you to seek the professional advice of a holistic veterinarian that supports your efforts to incorporate species appropriate nutrition and holistic lifestyle choices into your pet’s life. To locate a holistic integrative vet, please visit or ask me for a referral.

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