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Writer's pictureAlyssa Kola

Pet Parent Essentials: for travel

Our pets are part of our family and when we travel we have two options - bring them along with us or find care for them to stay behind.

Since adopting my dog Archie, my husband and I have brought him along with us for the majority of our trips. It isn't always easy and we have definitely learned some do's and don'ts along the way, which is why I would love to share what works for us and some of my go-to products for traveling with your dog (or cat).

I would encourage you to start taking your pet on small trips a couple of times a week to get them accustomed to being in the car. If you choose to use a carrier, a harness to strap them in, etc. all will require a little extra patience as they adjust (especially if this is their first experience with travel).

We have taken Archie on road trips and also on flights to Arizona and Illinois. We are fortunate that he is only about 11lbs and fits comfortably in a carrier under our seat on the plane. I don't have many details about larger dogs - but I would call your airline if that is something you are considering. We usual fly Southwest - they charge a flat fee per flight for him to be considered my "carry on."

I am going to walk you through our typical travel day for both road trips and flights -


1. I try to take Archie on a long walk before we have to leave to ensure he is nice and tired. I feed him (if needed) and make sure he goes potty beforehand as well.

2. We get the car all situated with our bags, set up his crate on the backseat with it open for him to go right in, and get his bed all ready to go.

3. You can give a CBD treat and the Happy Traveler supplement for car sickness if needed here.

4. Then load everyone up in the car and you are off!

5. We usually plan stops every few hours or so to stretch our legs, go to the bathroom, get food etc. Try to find stops where your dog can get out with you and sit with you while you eat or that you can park and still see them in the car.

It goes without saying, but leave your car running if it is too hot or too cold outside for your pet. Leaving the windows down on a hot summer day is not enough to safely keep your pet inside the car.

6. If you have to stay at a hotel, call the hotel ahead of time and make sure they have pet-friendly rooms available. There is usually a small fee that you have to pay to bring your pet. We bring his crate inside and he sleeps in his crate with a blanket on top, just like at home. Keeping as much consistency as possible will make the travel much easier and less stressful for you and your pet!

7. If/when your pet seems anxious give a CBD treat (Super Snouts & Treatibles) and/or Rescue Remedy to help calm their nerves.

Road trip Tips & Tricks:

- plan out your stops every 3-4 hours

- have some chews and toys to keep them busy

- pack all of your essentials for your pet in one backpack -- believe me this has been a lifesaver! See below for what I pack!

- Take your dog on a long walk or play beforehand to tire them out

- You can use a dog bed in the car, Archie alternates between sleeping there, on my lap, in his crate, or looking out the window


I can speak on Southwest because that is what I usually travel. They allow your pet carrier to be considered your carry on bag. So what I do is, I bring a backpack with all of Archie's essentials in it and then I put my purse in there so that I can count it as my one personal item. So total I would have the pet carrier and the personal item.

1. Before we get into the airport, I will stop at a nearby gas station or somewhere with grass so that Archie can go potty one last time. Many airports have the pet relief stations but often after you get through security you can't get to them without having to go back through security. Plus my dog isn't a fan of those areas usually and often they are not super clean.

2. When we get into the airport we head straight to the check-in counter. We check our bags in and pay for Archie's "ticket" and then we are all set to head to security.

3. We walk to the security line, I usually let Archie walk this whole time. The first time in the airport, he was a little overwhelmed and it was too much for him, but now he really loves walking around saying hi to everyone:) Getting through security: at the airports we have been to they require the dog to be out of their carrier and walk through the metal detector with the owner. The owner's hands are then "swabbed" with a little device and then you are on your way!

4. Next up we make it to our gate and wait until boarding. In the meantime I walk around with Archie a bit to get him a little exercise and tire him out more. I'll usually give Archie his CBD treat (Super Snouts & Treatibles) at this time.*

5. As it gets closer to boarding I use some yummy treats to get him to sit in his carrier. I then remove his leash and harness and make him lay down for another treat and then zip up the carrier. Now this is easier said than done. There are times where he flat our refuses to lay down. Sometimes I have to give him a minute to relax and I have to take a deep breath and be a little patient, If I start to get frustrated, he gets more anxious and then he will definitely not cooperate.

-- this is where getting your pet used to the carrier prior to flying really helps out. Help your pet associate the carrier with treats or a Kong stuffed with peanut butter, etc., something positive!

* note: You may want to give a CBD treat (Super Snouts & Treatibles) before you even leave your house. Sometimes when the pet is anxious at the airport they won't even take a treat so this can help calm the nerves and hopefully make it easier on the whole family.

What do I pack for my dog (I've include kitty options too):

- a compact Water Dispenser - remember to empty before going through security if flying and then you can refill afterwards.

- CBD Treats, I like Super Snouts & Treatibles brands best

- a couple of your pet's favorite toys & chews

- a little blanket/towel to put over the carrier if your pet is cold or to keep them calm

- if your pet has any car sickness, I would get Happy Traveler herbal supplement to help calm the stomach

- A small package of food - this is more for road trips and a slow-feeder dish

- Pet wipes are never a bad idea to have on hand

- And this is the carrier that I use for Archie when flying

I hope this has helped give you some ideas on how to make traveling with your pet a little easier!

If you have traveled with your pet and want to send some tips and tricks that you've learned, we are all ears! Comment on this post or email me at and I can share with the rest of the pet parents out there!


DISCLAIMER: The information offered by The Balanced Companion is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace regular veterinary care. I strongly encourage you to seek the professional advice of a holistic veterinarian that supports your efforts to incorporate species appropriate nutrition and holistic lifestyle choices into your pet’s life. To locate a holistic integrative vet, please visit or ask me for a referral.

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